ly transformation and healing





    Med en Personlig Signaturduft


    Vælg en naturlig vej til energiløft, hurtigt frekvensskift og selvhealing.
    Scent By JH er skabt til healing og transformation. De indeholder æteriske olier, krystaller og en fraktioneret kokosolie. Du bruger dem til at opløse spændinger i krop, sjæl og psyke. Hver kombination er nøje afstemt efter dine energier og ønsker.
    Det er en sanselig og non verbal selvhealing. De æteriske oliers effekt opnås ved påsmøring på huden der fører olimolekylerne ud til blodbanerne – og ved indånding til det limbiske system i hjernen. Krystallens konstante svingning foruden mineralindhold og farvepåvirkning, skaber nænsom healing og balance.
    Du får disse praktiske “frekvens-skiftere” i en handy størrelse roll–on flaske. Den er nem at påføre de ønskede områder. Det kan fx. være på områder med fysisk smerte, såvel som på chakrer, akupunkturpunkter m.v. Der vil medfølge en instruktion og forklaring.
    Det er en enkel måde have en transportabel energiforsyning på. En energiforsyning af healende frekvenser hvad end du er på arbejde, på farten, du sidder i et venteværelse eller andet.



    “Anxiety and worry which has plagued me for years was gone in days!”

    — Heidi

    “Jeg har genbestilt den JH Scents fire gange. Den er indbegrebet af mig”

    — Anki

    Big changes in my life. The oils have assisted me in a very peaceful divorce after 26 years. The JH Scents have helped me move to a new home and divide the business successfully with my partner.”

    — Steen

    “I am very excited, great decision!”

    — Sonia

    “I order them so often because I feel so good using them. As a Doula and Birth Coach, I use these JH Scents to mother myself and keep me powerful.”

    — Christina

    “I initially didn’t like the smell of the JH Scent so I contacted Jetter. She told me to rub the oil under my feel and wait another four days. WAUW, then I got the full effect.”

    — Karina

    “I am 12 and the JH Scents really help me.”

    — Tobias

    Since I have brought the JH Scents into my life, I have noticed life change in ways we usually expect only prayer can change!


    Transformation / Illusion

    What does the Dragonfly symbolise?

    The dragonfly carries the wisdom of transformation and adaptability in life. When the dragonfly shows up in your life, it may remind you to bring a more lightness and joy into your life and let your true colours shine. Dragonflies are powerful allies to connect with the spirit of nature. Their fairy-like quality makes them auspicious spirit animals to work with the power of light and fairy realms. Animal of wonder, the dragonfly can bring forth the enchanting spirit of our own nature in order for that to surface, other layers of dis-ease and fraudulent layers of life have to de-construct and dissolve!

    “Alternative Therapies” are as the name suggests, “alternative”.  Alternative to what we have, to the practices that we consider normal, what we can see and what we’ve always done. We live in a time where we’ve thrown as much of normal as possible into it but our lives are no more joyful or healthy. We underestimate the power of the things we cannot see such as oxygen. The energies of the non-physical realms and nature are extra-ordinary… and yes, we can bottle it and offer day to day delivery!

    The dragonfly is characterised by amazing flight patterns as it appears to be able to change direction swiftly, gliding through air with no apparent effort. The dragonfly’s agile flight and its ability to move in all six directions exude a sense of power and poise. The awe inspiring aspect is how the dragonfly accomplishes its objectives with utmost simplicity and effectiveness. This is the energy that JH Scents contain; you may barely notice a dragonfly but if you ever get up close you will see how exquisite it and wonder why “you never took a look before”. JH Scents offer the ability to tap into that “Energy Medicine”.

    • Healing Scents med krystaller og olier